

Pursuant to the RF Labor Code, Federal law of 28.12.2013 No. 426-FZ "On Special Assessment of Labor Conditions", Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of 24.01.2014 No. 33н "On Approval of the Procedure for Special Assessment of Labor Conditions, Classifier of Harmful and (or) Hazardous Production Factors, Form of Reporting on Special Assessment of Labor Conditions and Instructions on the Form Filling-In". special assessment of labor conditions (Part 6 of Article 15 of Federal Law No. 426-FZ) was carried out the results of which are justified by the following documents:

Special assessment of labor conditions 2022:

  1. Summary List of the Labor Conditions Special Assessment Results.




Special assessment of labor conditions 2021:

  1. Declaration of labor conditions compliance to governmental regulatory requirements for labor protection.
  2. Cover page of the Report on Special Assessment of Labor Conditions.
  3. Summary List of the Labor Conditions Special Assessment Results.






The Report covers all the Company Departments located in Moscow, in particular the Departments located in the other regions (Voronezh, Sevastopol, Saratov, Volgograd), except for the Departments in the Republic of Tatarstan.


Special assessment of labor conditions 2020:

  1. Declaration of labor conditions compliance to governmental regulatory requirements for labor protection.
  2. Cover page of the Report on Special Assessment of Labor Conditions.
  3. Summary List of the Labor Conditions Special Assessment Results.






The downloaded Report was made based on the business units located in the Republic of Tatarstan.